Wilderness Battlefield’s inclusion on this list underscores the inextricable link between natural, historic and cultural resources.
Orange County
PEC’s Orange County office supports our land use and land conservation activities in the County. PEC is dedicated to promoting healthy communities and the preservation of Orange’s rural character, environment and historic resources.

The Germanna Ford Boat Launch is Open!
A new public boat launch on the Rapidan River is now open to visitors at Historic Germanna in Orange County.

Imperiled by Development, Wilderness Battlefield Named One of Nation’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places
Wilderness Battlefield, site of a pivotal clash that marked a turning point in the Civil War, was named one of the nation’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places due to the threat of a massive data center development that would irrevocably destroy the historic landscapes fundamental to maintaining the area as a vital educational resource and treasured hallowed ground.

Tell Congress: Support the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act
The human and environmental costs of the data center industry are only predicted to worsen with the rise of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence applications. That’s why we’re supporting a new congressional bill, the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act of 2024.
On the Ground Updates – March 2024
A series of short updates from around the PEC region.

Who’s Protecting the Piedmont?
Here, we highlight two of those people, who are protecting the Piedmont with a passion and focus on stemming the decline of our once-abundant grassland birds.

Conserving a Cultural Crossroads
On Oct. 27, 2023, Historic Germanna’s executive director, Jennifer Hurst Wender, and board president, Keith Hoffman, signed a perpetual open-space easement on Siegen Forest.

6,315 acres conserved in nine-county region last year
The Piedmont Environmental Council reports that in 2023, 6,315 acres of land in Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange and Rappahannock counties were permanently protected with 52 new conservation easements.

Take Action: Protect Local Government Accountability
We need your help opposing House Bill 1459 (Owen), which will be voted on by the full Counties, Cities and Towns Committee this Friday morning at 9 a.m.

PEC lawsuit confirms abuse of FOIA by Orange County for the benefit of Amazon
The Virginia FOIA lawsuit that PEC filed against Orange County in October concluded last month with officials turning over the requested documents, thus avoiding a hearing in court.