PEC’s dedicated staff work relentlessly to advance land conservation, sound land use planning, the protection of natural resources and better climate and energy policy.
The Piedmont Environmental Council produces a number of publications — follow the links below to view PDFs of our newsletters, annual reports, Buy Fresh Buy Local guides and more.

Better Solar through HB206
A transition to renewable energy is imperative for our planet, and the good news is that Virginia has taken a major step in that direction with the ambitious Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) passed in 2020. The VCEA requires that Dominion Energy build 16.1 gigawatts (GW) of solar and wind energy in the public interest by 2035 and operate with 100% renewable energy by 2045. Recent studies by the University of Virginia tell us we are well on our way. However, a history of poorly designed solar projects in Virginia have made it clear that utility-scale solar can have significant hidden costs if not done well.

Shining a Light on Agrivoltaics at Roundabout Meadows
This spring, the Piedmont Environmental Council will unveil a project at our Community Farm at Roundabout Meadows with the potential to revolutionize the relationship between the agricultural lands that make up the heart of the Virginia Piedmont and the need for more solar energy capacity across the Commonwealth.

General Assembly Snapshot: 2025
The General Assembly convenes on Jan. 8 for a planned “short session” that runs through Feb. 22. PEC has co-authored several white papers that form the framework of the Virginia Conservation Network’s legislative priorities.

Conserving the Southern Shenandoah Borderlands
Looking out from the Moorman’s River Overlook in Shenandoah National Park, you’re treated to a breathtaking sweep of the forested, rolling foothills of the Piedmont. What’s not immediately apparent from this viewpoint is the fact that the majority of the land you see is privately owned.

2024 Photo Contest Winners
At PEC, we work to connect people to the landscapes and communities of Virginia’s Piedmont. The wonderful images that photographers submit to this contest help us tell important stories and allow folks to experience this beautiful place in exciting new ways

On The Ground Updates – December 2024
A series of short updates from around the PEC region – Albemarle & Charlottesville, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock.

Closing 2024: President’s Letter
At PEC, we value the power of community engagement, believing that local decisions matter and that informed and involved communities are vital to achieving positive and lasting outcomes. We serve as a catalyst and source of inspiration in the Virginia Piedmont by equipping people with the tools and information to do something that makes a tangible difference, whatever the issue.

President’s Letter: A Lifetime of Conservation
At our annual Farm-to-Table Dinner and Gala on September 21, we honor the lifetime of conservation leadership by two amazing women, Hope Porter and Marie Ridder, who will both turn 100 in the coming months.

On The Ground Updates – September 2024
A series of short updates from around the PEC region – Albemarle & Charlottesville, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock.