Regional, State and National

PEC joins with partner organizations to promote thriving communities and healthy natural resources in the Shenandoah Valley, the central Piedmont, the Journey Through Hallowed Ground corridor and Northern Virginia counties. This includes work through the Virginia Conservation Network and our Coalition for Smarter Growth.

If you have any questions related to PEC’s regional, state and national policy work, or would like to partner with us, please reach out to John McCarthy at or (540) 347-2334 x7043.

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Bee with native plants

President’s Letter – Spring 2021

The arrival of Spring 2021 brings with it a special sense of rebirth and reopening as we emerge from the incredible challenges we faced together in 2020. As the weather warms, the spring ephemerals emerge, …
boat launch at kelly's ford

On the Ground Updates – March 2020

A series of short updates from around the PEC region – Albemarle & Charlottesville, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock …
2021 General Assembly Update

2021 General Assembly Update

The last six months has been a whirlwind of legislative action. The 2020 special session extended into mid-October, creating a mad scramble at its conclusion to prepare for the 2021 regular session. PEC was busy …
Take Action to Support Conservation Funding

Take Action to Support Conservation Funding

At this point in the 2021 Virginia General Assembly, the House and Senate versions of the budget have passed their respective chambers and a conference committee has been assigned to work out the differences. While …
| | General Assembly
virginia state capitol

General Assembly Update & Action Alert – Week 3

I want to start by reporting some good news, and then follow it with a request for you to take action on two budget amendments—one to increase farmland protection and the other to address a …
| | General Assembly
photo collage: Weyanoke, old map of the Chesapeake, tion of Virginia Indian shell gorgets, headstone, old school

Action Alert: Righting a Wrong – Help Bring Untold Histories to Light

Preserving historic resources is crucial to understanding our nation’s history. However, historic resources related to African-American and indigenous communities are woefully underrepresented in Virginia’s state database. This has resulted in important resources being overlooked or …
red barn farmland photo by patricia temples

Action Alert: Protecting Farmland Now and For the Future

Farmland lost is farmland lost forever. Budget amendment 97 #2h (Gooditis) would provide an additional $2 million to the Farmland Preservation Fund grant program (current funding is only $250,000), providing much-needed matching funds and encouraging …
aerial image of farmland in the goose creek watershed

Support SB 1199 and Reject the Proposed Floor Substitute

Good news! On Tuesday, January 26, Senator Stuart’s attempt at a floor substitute for SB 1199 was defeated. This allowed the bill that came out of full committee to proceed to a floor vote. On …
aerial image of farmland in the goose creek watershed

Take Action in Support of Land Conservation Legislation

Ask your elected officials to support bipartisan legislation that would strengthen conservation easements – HB 1760 and SB 1199 …
garden center

Action Alert: Study on the Sale of Invasive Plants in Virginia

Contact your legislators now and ask them to vote for legislation which will help guide Virginia in controlling the sale of invasive plants …