Regional, State and National

PEC joins with partner organizations to promote thriving communities and healthy natural resources in the Shenandoah Valley, the central Piedmont, the Journey Through Hallowed Ground corridor and Northern Virginia counties. This includes work through the Virginia Conservation Network and our Coalition for Smarter Growth.

If you have any questions related to PEC’s regional, state and national policy work, or would like to partner with us, please reach out to John McCarthy at or (540) 347-2334 x7043.

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virginia state capitol

Virginia’s Virtual General Assembly Session Kicks Off January 13

A shortened, fast-moving General Assembly session makes your voice all the more critical.Read more …
| | General Assembly
What Does 2021 Hold for Conservation?

What Does 2021 Hold for Conservation?

The 2020 Special Session, focused on resolving budget issues stemming from Covid and addressing police and criminal justice reform, has ended just in time for the holidays. But as in the movie Groundhog Day, now …
empty metro car

Take Action: Help Save Metro and Other Public Transit!

Congress needs to pass a stimulus package with $32 billion in emergency operations funds for transit agencies across the country. Send a quick email to your Representative and Senators using this campaign set up by …
Webinar: Keeping Land in the Family

Webinar: Keeping Land in the Family

Learn more about the new Heirs’ Property Act in Virginia and what it means for families who share ownership of land or have inherited land without a will …
Support Conservation Funding and Programs

Support Conservation Funding and Programs

Thank legislators for supporting VLCF funding and remind them of the importance of all of our state conservation programs in 2021. Learn More & Take Action …
VA House livestream image

General Assembly Special Session Update

Beginning on Aug 18, the Virginia General Assembly entered a special session to focus on budget impacts related to the pandemic and calls for criminal justice and policing reforms as local and national unrest continued …
Ralph Sampson addresses crowd

Turning a page on involuntary land loss

In 2020, Virginia proudly became the 16th state to pass the Uniform Partition of Heirs’ Property Act. Learn More …
Take Action: Ask Your Delegate to Oppose SB 5106

Take Action: Ask Your Delegate to Oppose SB 5106

PEC is asking that you contact your Delegate and request that they oppose Senate Bill 5106. This legislation would extend the sunset date for various local land use approvals (plats, rezonings, special use permits and …
Special Call to Action for a Special Session

Special Call to Action for a Special Session

Covid-19 has driven home the vital connection between environmental protection and public health. Virginia’s budget should prioritize parks, trails and open spaces, restore water quality and strengthen our local food systems …
| | General Assembly
Solarize images

Solarize Piedmont Back for a 2020 Campaign

Interested in going solar? We’re excited to announce that Solarize Piedmont, our joint campaign with the Local Energy Alliance Program, is back through the end of the summer. If you’ve been curious about getting a …