Regional, State and National

PEC joins with partner organizations to promote thriving communities and healthy natural resources in the Shenandoah Valley, the central Piedmont, the Journey Through Hallowed Ground corridor and Northern Virginia counties. This includes work through the Virginia Conservation Network and our Coalition for Smarter Growth.

If you have any questions related to PEC’s regional, state and national policy work, or would like to partner with us, please reach out to John McCarthy at or (540) 347-2334 x7043.

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What will tomorrow bring?

What will tomorrow bring?

This year’s Virginia General Assembly promises to be an interesting one, as the November 2019 elections resulted in a change in leadership in both the House and the Senate. A new Speaker of the House …
fill dirt in Loudoun County

A Dirty Secret: How Construction Waste is Making its Way Onto Rural Lands

Steve and Jennifer Rainwater’s world was turned upside down in 2017 when an access road was built along their property line and hundreds of dump trucks started arriving to dump dirt, non-stop, on a section of …
2019 General Assembly: What Happened?

2019 General Assembly: What Happened?

The 2019 General Assembly Session has concluded. The budget and surviving legislation is now with the Governor awaiting action. It was a fast-paced short session — roughly 45 days in which thousands of bills were …
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Last Call for Conservation

Amidst the general chaos in Richmond, the General Assembly is quietly winding down with Sine Die (last day of session) just around the corner on February 23. While the headlines are focused on other news …
house chamber

Help Strengthen Farms, Conserve Land & Protect Water Quality

We are now 16 days into the 45 day (short) session of the 2019 Virginia General Assembly. Bills are currently being debated and amended in committee until we hit ‘crossover’ on February 6 – the …
HB 2364: A Bumper Crop… of Brides and Grooms?

HB 2364: A Bumper Crop… of Brides and Grooms?

On Wednesday, members of the Virginia House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources voted to make wedding events a protected activity under the definition of “agritourism.”…The net result? The bill would essentially make wedding …
| | General Assembly
An Eye on Richmond

An Eye on Richmond

It’s that time of year. While most are consumed with thoughts about gifts for that impossible relative or honing survival skills for holiday parties, I find my mind preoccupied with Richmond and a new General …
fracking site

Petition: Don’t Remove Disclosure Requirements For Fracking Chemicals

I wanted to share a petition with you that is picking up steam across the state. It calls on the state’s Freedom of Information Advisory Council – a state agency responsible for resolving disputes related …
| | General Assembly
Your General Assembly Update

Your General Assembly Update

The beginning of spring marks the end of the 2018 Virginia General Assembly session. Well, sort of. In the case of the budget, there was no resolution, which means the fate of conservation funding and …
Orange County landscape

Pipeline deals threaten conservation funding

Legislators are pointing to money that state and private entities will receive as mitigation for two gas pipeline projects, and the transmission line near Jamestown, as a justification for reducing overall state funding for conservation …
| | General Assembly