Strong Communities

A thoughtful approach to land use planning, paired with decision-making that balances growth and development with natural and cultural resource protection, is vital to maintaining a healthy and vibrant Piedmont region.

Breaking update on PEC’s VFOIA lawsuit against Orange County

Breaking update on PEC’s VFOIA lawsuit against Orange County

Orange County officials signed NDAs with Amazon; court hearing deferred …
writ of mandamus screenshot

Piedmont Environmental Council sues Orange County for VFOIA violations

In the interest of good governance and transparency, The Piedmont Environmental Council filed a lawsuit yesterday against Orange County for improperly denying public access to documents pertaining to a local rezoning application, in violation of …
stitched together rendering of digital gateway proposal

Putting the Pieces Together on Digital Gateway

Since 2021, PEC has been supporting our partners’ heroic efforts to stop the largest data center campus in the world from being built on rural land next to Manassas National Battlefield Park, along Pageland Lane …
aerial photo of residential and commercial buildings amongst green trees with mountains in the background

An Albemarle and Charlottesville Update

It has been a busy summer here as PEC continues to work to protect and restore the lands and waters of the Virginia Piedmont, while building stronger, more sustainable communities …
PEC Presentation on Energy Infrastructure and Data Centers (Upperville)

PEC Presentation on Energy Infrastructure and Data Centers (Upperville)

On Oct. 23, The Piedmont Environmental Council hosted a community meeting in Upperville, Va. on data centers and associated energy infrastructure …
Creating Walkable Piedmont Communities: A Resource Guide

Creating Walkable Piedmont Communities: A Resource Guide

This guidebook is intended for local government staff, community stakeholders, and residents interested in revitalizing downtown main streets, making neighborhood streets safer, and connecting parks, civic and natural amenities with trails …
data center in Loudoun with transmission line

Data Centers, Surging Power Demand Take Center Stage

The size, scale, and speed at which applications for data center projects are coming in and being approved is astounding. Just this month, massive proposals moved forward in Culpeper, Louisa, and King George counties, with more being reviewed in Caroline and Stafford counties …
forested stream

Making Biscuit Run Park Available to Everyone

Biscuit Run Park is going to be a magnificent resource, and it wouldn’t be right for people of the Southwood community to be able to see the park, but not get to it easily …