Strong Communities

A thoughtful approach to land use planning, paired with decision-making that balances growth and development with natural and cultural resource protection, is vital to maintaining a healthy and vibrant Piedmont region.

Planning and Zoning Terms

Planning and Zoning Terms

Definitions and descriptions of important terms and concepts …
Crozet House under construction

Controlling the Costs of Growth

Uncontrolled growth can cause taxes to skyrocket, but with good planning and the use of proffers and other tools, communities can accommodate growth without a budget crisis …
Leesburg main street

Better Comprehensive Planning

Every locality in Virginia must express its goals in a Comprehensive Plan, a twenty-year vision which must be reviewed and/or revised every five years. These documents are of foundational importance for communities that wish to …
Developer Still Considering 275 Homes in Clevenger's Corner

Developer Still Considering 275 Homes in Clevenger’s Corner

Update: At its April public hearing, the Culpeper County Planning Commission made a recommendation to deny the rezoning by a vote of 9-0. With the resignation of Supervisor Tom Underwood and his replacement with former …
| | Culpeper County, Planning and Zoning
Water Quality and Land Use

Water Quality and Land Use

Streams and rivers are likely to be healthy when at least 91% of the ground in their watershed remains permeable, allowing soil and plants to filter precipitation …
| | Clean Water, Strong Communities
"Poisoned Waters" Documentary on FRONTLINE

“Poisoned Waters” Documentary on FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE correspondent Hedrick Smith takes an in-depth look at Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay, and examines the growing number of hazards to human health and our nation’s waterways. Both PEC and partner group, the …
Unison Historic District Offers a Window to the Civil War

Unison Historic District Offers a Window to the Civil War

The village of Unison in western Loudoun, as if charmed in some way to keep from changing, is a quiet hamlet of well-kept old buildings, with many farmhouses, barns and churches that measure their age …
Big Growth in Greene

Big Growth in Greene

When Brian Higgins joined PEC’s staff as our first full-time field officer for Culpeper and Greene, this summer, he had to hit the ground running in Greene County. For one thing, the county is considering …