Albemarle County AC44 Comprehensive Plan

The AC44 Comprehensive Plan update is a guiding document for growth, development and investment for Albemarle County for the years 2024-2044. It provides recommendations for how, where and if the County should grow, supporting the local economy, protecting and enhancing natural resources and conservation, providing accessible housing and transportation options, and much more. The Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2015; the vision outlined in AC44 will be adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2024.

Our Vision for Albemarle

PEC envisions an Albemarle County with the majority of its rural lands permanently protected, with intact natural and cultural landscapes, healthy waters, and working farms and forests. The County’s urban areas are vibrant, mixed-use, and walkable, with everyday access to open space, parkland, and recreational opportunities. Equity and climate action are north stars in planning and zoning decisions, and everyone has a chance to help determine the County’s future.

PEC will be monitoring and sharing our perspective on the Comprehensive Plan update process as it moves forward. We encourage you to subscribe to our email alerts so you don’t miss anything!

Want to join the climate conversation?

To learn more about AC44, visit, where you can also sign up to receive email updates. Also be sure to check out the County’s commitments to equity and climate action, which we hope will be fully integrated into this Comprehensive Plan update.

For information about the climate action work of the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia, visit:

rural and forested land under blue mountains during sunrise

Albemarle County AC44 Comprehensive Plan Policy Platform: Suggested Talking Points | 27 Oct. 2023

Contact: Rob McGinnis – [email protected], (434) 962-9110 The AC44 Comprehensive Plan update will serve as a guiding document for Albemarle County for the years 2024-2044. It will define the County’s priorities for protecting and enhancing …
AC44 Update: Nov. 13, 2023

AC44 Update: Nov. 13, 2023

PEC outlines its recommendations for the Housing and Economic Development chapter’s goals and objectives …
AC44 Update: Nov. 7, 2023

AC44 Update: Nov. 7, 2023

Two significant and positive milestones were announced at the Oct. 10 Planning Commission Work Session …
Cville Area Land Use Update: Week Ahead for November 6, 2023

Cville Area Land Use Update: Week Ahead for November 6, 2023

Louisa PC to review Amazon’s data centers; Charlottesville City Council to consider $5.9 million purchase of floodplain land slated for development …
AC44 Update: October 10, 2023

AC44 Update: October 10, 2023

Join us for the County Planning Commission Work Session this evening from 6 – 9 p.m. to discuss Environmental Stewardship, Parks and Recreation, and Historic, Scenic, and Cultural Resources …
AC44 Update: October 4, 2023

AC44 Update: October 4, 2023

Submit your feedback to the Planning Commissioners in writing, in a questionnaire, or in person by speaking up at the upcoming work session, October 10 …
aerial photo of residential and commercial buildings amongst green trees with mountains in the background

An Albemarle and Charlottesville Update

It has been a busy summer here as PEC continues to work to protect and restore the lands and waters of the Virginia Piedmont, while building stronger, more sustainable communities …
AC44 Update: September 5, 2023

AC44 Update: September 5, 2023

Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update is still underway. Join us in making it better! …
rural and forested land under blue mountains during sunrise

Albemarle County AC44 Comprehensive Plan Policy Platform

PEC’s priorities in supporting our mission and helping inform Albemarle County’s AC44 comprehensive planning process …
Our Albemarle Climate Action Platform

Our Albemarle Climate Action Platform

In 2022, PEC created a preliminary climate action platform guidance document in support of a climate-ready Albemarle Country. The document summarizes the priority areas where we believe The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) can most advance …