The AC44 Comprehensive Plan update is a guiding document for growth, development and investment for Albemarle County for the years 2024-2044. It provides recommendations for how, where and if the County should grow, supporting the local economy, protecting and enhancing natural resources and conservation, providing accessible housing and transportation options, and much more. The Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2015; the vision outlined in AC44 will be adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2024.
Our Vision for Albemarle
PEC envisions an Albemarle County with the majority of its rural lands permanently protected, with intact natural and cultural landscapes, healthy waters, and working farms and forests. The County’s urban areas are vibrant, mixed-use, and walkable, with everyday access to open space, parkland, and recreational opportunities. Equity and climate action are north stars in planning and zoning decisions, and everyone has a chance to help determine the County’s future.
PEC will be monitoring and sharing our perspective on the Comprehensive Plan update process as it moves forward. We encourage you to subscribe to our email alerts so you don’t miss anything!
Want to join the climate conversation?
To learn more about AC44, visit, where you can also sign up to receive email updates. Also be sure to check out the County’s commitments to equity and climate action, which we hope will be fully integrated into this Comprehensive Plan update.
For information about the climate action work of the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia, visit:
In 2022, PEC created a preliminary climate action platform guidance document in support of a climate-ready Albemarle Country. The document summarizes the priority areas where we believe The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) can most advance …
On June 20, 2023, PEC’s Senior Land Use Field Representative for Albemarle County presented to the Cville100 Climate Alliance on PEC’s AC44 Comprehensive Plan Update platform, which is informed by our Climate Change Platform and …
The deadline for completing the questionnaire is 6 p.m. on Friday, March 10 …
The role of Rural Areas in mitigating climate impacts …
PEC is ramping up our activities and role within the broader Comprehensive Plan update process, developing recommendations that we hope, based on our study of climate threats in Albemarle, can serve as a model for …
Somehow this week has a lot going on, as listed below. This week I’m going to keep the narrative short because I want to get this posted quickly as I’m a bit behind my schedule …
Join Albemarle County for a discussion of the main conclusions of the Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment report, published in June 2022, and an overview of the next steps in building resilience as a community …
We are already feeling the effects of climate change in Albemarle County and the local impacts are expected to intensify in the coming years. View this online StoryMap to take a closer look at the …
The next opportunities to weigh in on Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan are Sept. 1 & 15 …
Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville are considering significant changes to land use planning and related policies, including a new comprehensive plan for the County and a new zoning ordinance for the City. We …