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Strengthening Albemarle County's Land Conservation Programs: Policy Platform

Strengthening Albemarle County’s Land Conservation Programs: Policy Platform

What are the County’s Land Conservation Programs? The Albemarle County Easement Authority (ACEA) is a public body that holds open-space easements. An open-space (or conservation) easement is a voluntary legal agreement that limits development of …
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three people in yellow and pink bike on road

Bike Month 2024

Celebrate Bike Month this May in Charlottesville and Albemarle! There will be a full calendar of exciting events, gatherings and group rides …
Cville Area Land Use: Week Ahead for April 29, 2024

Cville Area Land Use: Week Ahead for April 29, 2024

Budget season FY25 nears completion with adoption in Albemarle and Louisa; Land bank debate continues in Charlottesville …
large boxy data center with cooling equipment on the roof

Tell Congress: Support the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act

The human and environmental costs of the data center industry are only predicted to worsen with the rise of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence applications. That’s why we’re supporting a new congressional bill, the Artificial Intelligence …
April 10 Public Hearing: Prime Ag Soils, Belmont Data Center Rezoning

April 10 Public Hearing: Prime Ag Soils, Belmont Data Center Rezoning

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 the Loudoun Board of Supervisors will vote on the Prime Agricultural Soils and Cluster Subdivisions Ordinance Amendment and the Belmont Innovation Campus rezoning …
Additional Information: Belmont Innovation Campus Rezoning

Additional Information: Belmont Innovation Campus Rezoning

Often, data center rezoning applications that come before the Board of Supervisors are, in fact, not submitted by data center developers like Meta, Amazon Web Services, etc. Rather, many rezonings are at the request of …
Additional Information: Prime Soils Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Additional Information: Prime Soils Zoning Ordinance Amendment

How will the ZOAM impact me? The Board of Supervisors has made it very clear that the ZOAM would not reduce – or downzone – the overall density allowable under Cluster Subdivision regulations. As such, …