Growth, Development & Traffic

Citizen input in planning for Loudoun’s future is critical — particularly when some are pushing for more residential development at a faster pace than the county and general public have planned for.

Tell Congress: Support the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act

Tell Congress: Support the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act

The human and environmental costs of the data center industry are only predicted to worsen with the rise of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence applications. That’s why we’re supporting a new congressional bill, the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act of 2024.

Resources from the Purcellville Community Meeting on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – Jan. 22, 2024

Resources from the Purcellville Community Meeting on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – Jan. 22, 2024

On Monday, Jan. 22, we hosted a community meeting on data centers and energy infrastructure in Purcellville. It was great to have more than 170 people join us at Woodgrove High School to learn more about these important issues, ask questions and share concerns.

Loudoun Update – Rt. 15 North & Zoning Ordinance

Loudoun Update – Rt. 15 North & Zoning Ordinance

This Wednesday, May 11 at 6 p.m., the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing about the related Route 15 North Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which calls for:

  • Widening the road to four lanes between Montresor Road and the village of Lucketts,
  • Building a bypass (on one side or the other) around Lucketts
  • Adding a median to the two-lane section of Route 15 north of the village to St. Clair Lane.