We have accomplished a lot together over the 50 years of PEC’s history. With 2022 on the horizon, we have begun work on an updated strategic plan to guide our efforts in the coming years. What will the Piedmont look like in 2030, 2050 and beyond?
I hope forward-looking decisions about growth and development will result in a region with protected natural and working lands and great places to live. Further, I hope our region is known for its sustainable approach to farming and forestry, its healthy local streams, its history, beauty and everyday access to nature for everyone.
The cumulative benefit that comes from each of us – engaging in achievable actions at the local level – is unmistakably powerful in building that future. Those incremental, community-wide efforts result in a landscape level impact, whether in conserving and restoring the land, improving community design and access to housing, healthy food and water, or enhancing opportunities to enjoy the incredible places we share.
Your continued support and engagement has fueled PEC’s work for the past 50 years and allows us to enhance our approach to conservation in new, critical ways for the next half century. Just this year, we have made significant progress in many areas: See a few recent highlights →
As this year comes to a close, I hope you’ll help us continue our work into 2022 through a tax-deductible year-end contribution.
There are a number of ways you can support The Piedmont Environmental Council before year’s end:
- Gifts via cash, check or credit card: You can donate to PEC online at www.pecva.org/give, by phone to 540.347.2334 ext. 7002, or by mailing your donation to PO Box 460, Warrenton, VA 20188.
- Gift of stock: PEC can also accept gifts of appreciated stock. A gift of stock or other securities allows you to receive the full benefit of the market value of the stock gift without paying the capital gains taxes that would be recognized if you sold the stock. Please notify PEC of your gift of securities to ensure proper recording and recognition.
*FYI – the CARES ACT made a couple of important adjustments to charitable giving that are effective until December 31, 2021: Donors who take the standard deduction in 2021 may claim up to $300 for charitable deductions even though they are not itemizing, and $600 for married filing jointly. For donors who itemize, you can elect to receive a federal income tax deduction for qualifying charitable cash contributions of up to 100% of your adjusted gross income.
Although likely too late for a 2021 contribution, PEC also accepts gifts of Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from IRAs. Donors can make a qualified charitable distribution of up to $100,000 from their IRAs. Funds going directly to a qualified charity do not count as taxable income to the donor. If you are 70½ years of age or older, your QCD contribution can count toward your required minimum distribution. QCDs are a great option for making a gift in 2022!
Across the world, community-based decision-making can move us toward a brighter, more sustainable future. It is my belief that communities in the Virginia Piedmont are making a big difference toward that end.
For more information about different ways to give, contact Karissa Epley by email at kepley@pecva.org or by phone at 540.347.2334 ext. 7002.
Thank you for your commitment to The Piedmont Environmental Council and our work in the Virginia Piedmont!
Chris Miller, President
The Piedmont Environmental Council