Energy Matters

PEC is working to support an energy system that is smarter, more efficient and better accounts for the negative externalities arising from the choices we make about energy consumption, generation, transmission and distribution.

We are advocating for a more distributed system that is less reliant on distant generating sources and incorporates a mix of local renewable power — customer owned, community based and utility scale. Recognizing Virginia is in the early stages of its energy transition, we believe now is the time to reimagine and rebuild our energy system in a way that is just and fair to all residents and ratepayers.

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screenshot of YouTube video presentation

Data Centers on the Horizon: What’s the Big Deal?

This webinar is an opportunity to learn about the resource requirements of the data center industry and the impact of our collective digital footprints …
Representatives from several groups joined together at PEC’s o  ce on July 27 to kick o  a statewide data center reform coalition. Photo by Hugh Kenny

Virginia Data Center Reform Coalition to kick off with Dec. 1 press conference

Nonprofit organizations, homeowners’ groups, and residents from all over Virginia have joined forces to form a coalition that is calling for industry-wide data center reform …
Cville Area Land Use Update: Week Ahead for November 20, 2023

Cville Area Land Use Update: Week Ahead for November 20, 2023

Albemarle ARB to review AC44 goals; Council to get briefing on transit budget …
man giving a presentation in front of a crowd of seated people

Resources from our Solar on the Farm workshop – November 14, 2023

On November 14, 2023, PEC hosted a workshop called “Solar on the Farm: Improving Your Ag Operation with On-site Energy.” …
crowded auditorium of people watching a presentation on a screen

Resources from the Warrenton Town Hall on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – Nov. 13, 2023

On Monday, November 13, 2023, a coalition of organizations including Citizens for Fauquier County, Protect Fauquier, Protect Catlett and The Piedmont Environmental Council held a community town hall about Transmission Lines and Data Centers …
Breaking update on PEC’s VFOIA lawsuit against Orange County

Breaking update on PEC’s VFOIA lawsuit against Orange County

Orange County officials signed NDAs with Amazon; court hearing deferred …
writ of mandamus screenshot

Piedmont Environmental Council sues Orange County for VFOIA violations

In the interest of good governance and transparency, The Piedmont Environmental Council filed a lawsuit yesterday against Orange County for improperly denying public access to documents pertaining to a local rezoning application, in violation of …
transmission map screenshot

Transmission line update and community meeting invite

In September, I wrote to you about the explosive growth of Virginia’s data center industry and one of the side effects: a major push for new transmission lines …
stitched together rendering of digital gateway proposal

Putting the Pieces Together on Digital Gateway

Since 2021, PEC has been supporting our partners’ heroic efforts to stop the largest data center campus in the world from being built on rural land next to Manassas National Battlefield Park, along Pageland Lane …