Loudoun County

PEC stands with citizens to build excellent communities, relieve taxes and traffic, and protect open space in Loudoun. We work to maintain a balance between the towns and villages, the suburbs, and the country so residents can enjoy all the places that make Loudoun unique.

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A Closer Look at TransAction Plan Projects in Loudoun

A Closer Look at TransAction Plan Projects in Loudoun

The draft NVTA TransAction Plan is a wish list of over 350 projects being considered for funding. Though we strongly oppose the new Potomac River Bridge project (24) and the Bi-County Parkway (226), there are …
Envision Loudoun Workshop

Two Paths for Loudoun. Weigh In!

Dear Supporter, Loudoun County is continuing the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan, which guides all future growth and development in the County. After sitting through the Envision Loudoun public workshops and participating in the …
Envision Loudoun Workshop

Choices facing Loudoun

Remember taking civics or government in high school? Sometimes, it may feel fairly irrelevant to your day to day life… But then you think about traffic, taxes, school boundary changes, parks and recreation, social services, …

A lot to report on! (re: the Loudoun Comp Plan update)

The Comprehensive Plan Stakeholder Committee has been on a semi-monthly schedule of meetings since March, in an effort to be prepared for the next round of Envision Loudoun workshops for resident input scheduled for the …

More About Roundabout Meadows

Over a 20 year period, The Piedmont Environmental Council has played a leadership role in preserving the historic and scenic landscape at Gilberts Corner. This Rte. 15 & 50 corridor serves as the symbolic gateway …
Our Letter to Loudoun County re: Smart Growth Approach

Our Letter to Loudoun County re: Smart Growth Approach

Loudoun has the opportunity to provide clear and coherent direction on future investment. In a spring 2017 letter to Chairman Randall and the Board of Supervisors, we joined with partners in recommending: 1) The County’s …
Loudoun Homeowners Associations As Change Agents

Loudoun Homeowners Associations As Change Agents

The new residential communities of Loudoun and many other counties in our region are managed by Homeowner’s Associations (HOA). In the PEC region, over 60% of Loudoun residents live in an HOA-controlled community. These communities …
Distribution of Input graph

What is needed to make Loudoun an even better community in the future?

The answers to this question and two follow-up questions posed during the Envision Loudoun “Listening and Learning” round of public input have been tallied and categorized by theme. More than 1,400 people provided over 5,000 …
Petition of Support for a Roundabout at Rt. 50 and Lenah Road

Petition of Support for a Roundabout at Rt. 50 and Lenah Road

We are happy to be hosting this petition, created by Aldie Heritage Association, in support of a smart and needed local transportation improvement. We hope you’ll sign on! Take Action >> …
| | Loudoun County
citizen engagement

Envision Loudoun Comment Deadline Approaching

The deadline is Wednesday, January 11, 2017. The comments gathered as part of Envision Loudoun will guide the 2018 update of the County Comprehensive Plan. The plan represents the community’s vision for the future and …