Loudoun County

PEC stands with citizens to build excellent communities, relieve taxes and traffic, and protect open space in Loudoun. We work to maintain a balance between the towns and villages, the suburbs, and the country so residents can enjoy all the places that make Loudoun unique.

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What will the future of Loudoun look like?

Loudoun County is beginning the critical (but arduous) task of revising its Comprehensive Plan. The plan represents the community’s vision for the future and is the most important document regarding land use, transportation and resource …
Lessons Learned & Presentations from the 2016 Loudoun HOA Forum

Lessons Learned & Presentations from the 2016 Loudoun HOA Forum

On the evening of March 10, 2016 more than 150 individuals attended a forum in eastern Loudoun focused on improving landscaping practices for stream health, water quality and the environment. Hosted by The Piedmont Environmental …
Trees Planted, Smiling Faces

Trees Planted, Smiling Faces

In partnership with Sugarland Run HOA, the Broadlands HOA, the Red Cedar HOA and Loudoun County Government, we’ve finished planting 3.26+ acres, 968 native trees and shrubs, in three Loudoun Communities.  Thank you to our …
Mill Run Elementary School’s New & Improved Outdoor Classroom

Mill Run Elementary School’s New & Improved Outdoor Classroom

Over the past year, Mill Run Elementary in Ashburn, VA, partnered with The Piedmont Environmental Council for a pilot project to create a naturally landscaped outdoor classroom and enhance the surrounding habitat …
| | Loudoun County
A Great Day at Chapman DeMary Trail

A Great Day at Chapman DeMary Trail

We were excited to team up with The Nature Generation this summer on an educational/volunteer event at the Chapman DeMary Trail in Loudoun County. 19 students and educators from Indonesia were guided through water monitoring …

A Vote Against Sprawl

Developers pushed Loudoun Board of Supervisors for more houses in the Transition Area and the Loudoun community pushed back! …
Sugarland Run Tree Planting -- Spring 2015

Sugarland Run Tree Planting — Spring 2015

On Saturday, April 25th, the Sugarland Run community planted over 160 native trees and shrubs to help reduce air and water pollution in Sterling and add beneficial habitat. Over 80 people turned out to get …
Floating Island Installation at Broadlands

Floating Island Installation at Broadlands

Working together for cleaner water. Volunteers planted three floating islands that will filter nutrient runoff from a Broadlands stormwater pond. Loudoun County Government stormwater staff launched the islands with weights and needed protection from geese until …
Email Alert: Loudoun Residents Weigh In, Wildwood Farm Rezoning Next

Email Alert: Loudoun Residents Weigh In, Wildwood Farm Rezoning Next

Some good news and another call to action!Last Wednesday, on a 6-3 vote, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted to deny the McIntosh rezoning request to increase density in the Transition Area next to Willowsford …
Email Alert: Loudoun Board of Supervisors Vote Could Set Precedent for Sprawl

Email Alert: Loudoun Board of Supervisors Vote Could Set Precedent for Sprawl

In Loudoun, there’s an important stretch of land between the heavily suburban development in the east, and the rural area to the west. And this less dense section of the county, known as the ‘Transition …