The following email was sent out to engage with PEC followers on the subject of growth and planning in Loudoun County:
Residents Have a Chance to Weigh in this November
Dear Supporter,
Loudoun County is beginning the critical (but arduous) task of revising its Comprehensive Plan. The plan represents the community’s vision for the future and is the most important document regarding land use, transportation and resource utilization. It guides all decisions and regulations regarding growth and development.
As part of the update, the County is launching Envision Loudoun, an initiative to gather public input (it’s worth visiting the website, they’ve done a nice job outlining a timeline for the process and why it matters).
Workshops/ Listening & Learning Sessions
If you care about what Loudoun is like 5, 10, 25 years down the road, now is the time to share your thoughts with others and be part of an important civic event.
I encourage you to come out to one of the four facilitated meetings planned for this fall. I’ll be at three of them, and hope to see/meet lots of other Loudoun residents there.
Nov 7 (Mon.) 6:30-8:00pm
The National Conference Center
18980 Upper Belmont Place
Nov 14 (Mon.) 6:30-8:00pm
Washington Dulles Airport Marriott
45020 Aviation Drive
Nov 15 (Tues.) 6:30-8:00pm
Clarion Inn Historic Leesburg
1500 E Market Street
Nov 16 (Weds.) 6:30-8:00pm
J Michael Lunsford Middle School
26020 Ticonderoga Rd.

Additional Background
So far in the process, stakeholders have given their initial input on the 9 issues that the Board of Supervisors directed to be the focus of the Comprehensive Plan review. Each of the issues is complex, and Loudoun residents may want to weigh in on many of them:
- Economic Development
- Transition Policy Area
- Residential Housing Choice & Diversity
- Redevelopment/Revitalization
- Suburban Policy Area
- Community Facilities and Supporting Infrastructure
- Quality Development
- Fiscal Management
- Growth Management
The Rural Planning Area will not be part of the review since there isn’t an interest in changing the vision for the rural area.
I’m representing PEC on the associated 25-person “Stakeholder Committee.” There are people representing environmental/historic preservation causes, the rural economy, the development and business community and representatives appointed by the district Supervisors who come from various backgrounds.
Next Steps
We hope you will get involved, and let the Board know that Loudoun residents care deeply about their homes and communities, and want to make Loudoun an even better place to live in the future.
If you cannot attend the meeting, the county will have an online portal for sharing your input in the near future. We will send out periodic updates and you can also check the Envision website for more information on the portal and to sign up for email updates from the County about the process.
One topic in particular that will receive lots of attention is the plan for development in the Transition Area. We will keep an eye on it, and give you updates as the process moves forward.
Gem Bingol
Loudoun Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council
[email protected]