Fauquier County

PEC works to help citizens in Fauquier build better communities and protect cherished resources–scenic views, working farms, historic heritage, clean water and healthy air. 

aerial view of a few huge data center buildings between a set of apartments and public trail

Questions Swirl Around Data Centers – How Many, Where and at What Cost?

Although DEQ’s proposed variance for data center diesel generator has been pulled, the underlying issue remains: Is this continued boom in data center development sustainable? …
2022 Land Conservation Totals

2022 Land Conservation Totals

Last year, landowners partnered with The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) and other land trusts and conservation agencies to permanently protect 6,651 acres of land in Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Orange and Rappahannock counties …
More Data Center News in Warrenton

More Data Center News in Warrenton

Much has happened in the weeks since the 4-3 Warrenton Town Council vote to approve the Amazon Data Center Special Use Permit (SUP). I want to give you an update on potential permit violations on …
aerial image of forested land next to a major road

On the Ground Updates – March 2023

A series of short updates from around the PEC region – Albemarle & Charlottesville, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock …
Volunteer Spotlight: Felix Kontanis and Jennifer Dorrer

Volunteer Spotlight: Felix Kontanis and Jennifer Dorrer

Each spring and fall, PEC welcomes dozens of volunteers who get their hands dirty and their feet muddy helping us plant native trees and shrubs along streams on private properties. We caught up with two …
Conserving a Piece of Heaven

Conserving a Piece of Heaven

From the wrap-around porch at Hans and Anne Wachtmeister’s Fauquier County home, I feel as if I’m standing atop a mountain looking across heaven. And it’s one of seven Fauquier County properties permanently protected with …
data center web map screenshot

Data Centers, Diesel Generators and Air Quality – PEC Web Map

PEC requested the air permits for all of the approximately hundred data center facilities covered under the proposed DEQ variance, including the number of commercial generators per facility. We determined that there are 4,632 commercial …
aerial photo of data center with a residential neighborhood in the background. Overlaid text reads "Take Action: Tell DEQ to Protect Our Air Quality"

Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Air Quality in Jeopardy

The VA Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comment on an order that will temporarily allow data centers in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties to operate their generators for longer and more frequent …
Nine-county land conservation totals 6,651 acres in 2022

Nine-county land conservation totals 6,651 acres in 2022

Last year, landowners partnered with The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) and other land trusts and conservation agencies to permanently protect 6,651 acres of land in Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Orange and Rappahannock counties …
public hearing photo

4-3 vote to approve Amazon’s Warrenton data center

Thank you to all who came to speak out against the Amazon data center proposal in Warrenton at last night’s public hearing …