Since we last updated you on Amazon’s Warrenton data center, Amazon has spent these couple of months responding to the Town’s first round of comments on its initial site development plan.
Warrenton Transmission Line
Updates on the Dominion transmission line and substation associated with Amazon’s data center proposal at Blackwell Road in Warrenton.

Amazon Site Development Plan / Zoning Amendment on Overhead Power Lines
Amazon’s site development plan disregards multiple conditions of the special use permit approved in February and contains numerous omissions, deficiencies and errors…
More Data Center News in Warrenton
Much has happened in the weeks since the 4-3 Warrenton Town Council vote to approve the Amazon Data Center Special Use Permit (SUP). I want to give you an update on potential permit violations on the property and share concerns about proposals to build more data centers in Town.

4-3 vote to approve Amazon’s Warrenton data center
Thank you to all who came to speak out against the Amazon data center proposal in Warrenton at last night’s public hearing.

Reminder: Amazon data center hearing Feb. 14
Just a quick reminder that the Warrenton Town Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the proposed Amazon data center Special Use Permit application next Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023 at the Fauquier High School Auditorium.

Data center public hearing Feb. 14 / boundary line adjustment withdrawn
I want to update you about two different land use issues that the Town of Warrenton took up at their meeting last Tuesday.

Jan. 10 Town Council Public Hearing on Amazon Data Center
On Tuesday, Jan. 10, the Warrenton Town Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Amazon data center at the gateway to Warrenton on Blackwell Road.

Warrenton Updates: Data Center, Boundary Line Adjustment
Some new information and ways you can get involved with the Amazon data center and boundary line adjustment proposals in Warrenton.

Key updates before tomorrow’s public hearing on the Amazon data center
Ask Warrenton to deny Amazon’s proposed data center.

Resources from Warrenton Town Hall About the Proposed Amazon Data Center
After a successful town hall meeting in August, the local citizen group Protect Fauquier and nonprofit organizations Citizens for Fauquier County and The Piedmont Environmental Council hosted a second community town hall on October 26, 2022, on the impact the proposed Amazon data center could have on the Town of Warrenton and Fauquier County.