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"Poisoned Waters" Documentary on FRONTLINE

“Poisoned Waters” Documentary on FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE correspondent Hedrick Smith takes an in-depth look at Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay, and examines the growing number of hazards to human health and our nation’s waterways. Both PEC and partner group, the …
Limestone Geology and Sinkholes

Limestone Geology and Sinkholes

Limestone geology, also known as Karst, is quite prevalent in the eastern United States. Limestone often dissolves in water, creating voids where groundwater flows like an underground river –gnawing away rock over the eons. The …
| | Clean Water, Loudoun County
1,000 Acres of Jefferson County Preserved

1,000 Acres of Jefferson County Preserved

Members of the Carter family acted together in 2009 to protect nearly 1,000 acres of land in Albemarle County that has been in their family since 1730. The Carters’ ancestors were neighbors to the Jeffersons, …
Wolftown Farm with Historic Round Barn Protected

Wolftown Farm with Historic Round Barn Protected

Joyce Gentry lives on the land where she lived as a child-a farm in Wolftown in Madison County, toward the foothills of the mountains, that has been in her family for generations. Mrs. Gentry, a …
New Park at Gilberts Corner

New Park at Gilberts Corner

The land at Gilberts Corner in Loudoun County that PEC saved from development in 2009 is now part of a public park at a gateway to one of America’s most historic landscapes …
Saving the Farm

Saving the Farm

How conservation can help working farmers achieve their goals David and Terry Ingram are father-son farmers who recently donated conservation easements on their farms in Brandy Station, in Culpeper County. Brandy Station is a great …
Loudoun's Billion Dollar Debt

Loudoun’s Billion Dollar Debt

What can we learn from Loudoun’s financial trouble?Loudoun County, once the fastest growing county in the nation, is now $1 billion in debt—a direct consequence of growing too fast, too much, too scattered …
| | Loudoun County, The Piedmont View
Highway Through Keswick?

Highway Through Keswick?

Can the local community come up with a better plan for Routes 22 and 231 than VDOT’s plan to make it a highway? The main road through Keswick in Albemarle County—Rtes. 22 and 231—runs through …
Unison Historic District Offers a Window to the Civil War

Unison Historic District Offers a Window to the Civil War

The village of Unison in western Loudoun, as if charmed in some way to keep from changing, is a quiet hamlet of well-kept old buildings, with many farmhouses, barns and churches that measure their age …
Transmission Lines: Why We Fight

Transmission Lines: Why We Fight

This summer, an unwanted clear-cut tore through the edge of the woods at Rick and Virginia Dorkey’s cattle farm near Bealeton, in Fauquier County.  Construction crews put up a line of gigantic metal towers on …
| | The Piedmont View, Transmission