Strong Communities

A thoughtful approach to land use planning, paired with decision-making that balances growth and development with natural and cultural resource protection, is vital to maintaining a healthy and vibrant Piedmont region.

Diana Boeke and Amir Abdelmalek

On the Ground

Read “On the Ground” updates for Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange and Rappahannock Counties …

A Vote Against Sprawl

Developers pushed Loudoun Board of Supervisors for more houses in the Transition Area and the Loudoun community pushed back! …
Talking Taxes and Growth

Talking Taxes and Growth

Over the past year, there has been a heated discussion of issues tied to growth and taxes in Fauquier County, both in the local papers and in casual conversation. In these discussions a host of …
Fauquier Mythbusters

Fauquier Mythbusters

A look at some popular myths about Fauquier County’s land use, growth, taxes and development. From ‘Fauquier County is no growth’ to ‘Land with a conservation easement limits farming’ …
Email Alert: Loudoun Residents Weigh In, Wildwood Farm Rezoning Next

Email Alert: Loudoun Residents Weigh In, Wildwood Farm Rezoning Next

Some good news and another call to action!Last Wednesday, on a 6-3 vote, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted to deny the McIntosh rezoning request to increase density in the Transition Area next to Willowsford …
Email Alert: Loudoun Board of Supervisors Vote Could Set Precedent for Sprawl

Email Alert: Loudoun Board of Supervisors Vote Could Set Precedent for Sprawl

In Loudoun, there’s an important stretch of land between the heavily suburban development in the east, and the rural area to the west. And this less dense section of the county, known as the ‘Transition …
The Future of Greene County

The Future of Greene County

Greene County Public Hearing for 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update. On November 19, residents will have the opportunity to share their ideas about Greene’s future with the county Planning Commission. The commission is holding a “public …
Explore Warrenton Trails

Explore Warrenton Trails

See a map with Warrenton’s trails, and find out where to view additional trail maps in Fauquier County …
On the Ground

On the Ground

Read On the Ground updates for Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange and Rappahannock Counties …
County Rewriting Telecommunication Plan

County Rewriting Telecommunication Plan

Piedmont Environmental Council has concern about some of the changes being proposed in Fauquier County's rewrite of the Plan for Commercial Wireless Facilities. This section of the County Comprehensive plan sets the policies and goals …