The following text was sent out via email on December 28, 2022. Sign up for PEC email alerts →

Dear Supporter,
As our 50th anniversary year comes to a close, we are taking stock in the effects of our collective efforts over the last half century toward meaningful conservation and better communities in Virginia’s Piedmont. We are ever grateful to our generous and committed supporters and members who’ve made it all possible, as well as our many partners and dedicated staff. As we head toward the close of 2022, we invite you to look back at a few highlights of our work together this past year.
In 2023, the Virginia Piedmont faces a new and complex era of development pressures that are shaped by the world’s growing dependence on cloud computing, Virginia’s important transition to clean energy, and a very real need for affordable housing across the region, among many other factors. At the same time, increased public funding for farmland protection, improved water quality, and climate resilience provide a tremendous opportunity to accelerate land conservation.
We look forward to sharing a new strategic plan with you in early 2023, which will guide our efforts in these areas over at least the next five years. It is built on the foundation of tremendous support and engagement with which you, our members and supporters, have provided.
We hope you will help us continue our work into 2023 through a tax-deductible year-end contribution.
There are a number of ways you can support The Piedmont Environmental Council that also benefit you as the donor:
- Gifts via cash, check or credit card: You can donate a tax-deductible gift to PEC online at, by phone to James Bussells at 540.347.2334 ext. 7007, or by mailing your donation to PO Box 460, Warrenton, VA 20188.
- Gift of stock: A gift of stock or other securities allows you to receive the total value of the stock at the time of transfer as a tax-deductible gift, without paying the capital gains taxes you would incur if you sold the stock. Please notify PEC of your gift of securities to ensure proper recording and recognition.
- Qualified Charitable Donation: Donors aged 70.5 years and older can make a donation directly from an IRA account, which reduces the donor’s taxable income by the amount of the donation. And for donors aged 72 and older, the donation also counts as part of the required annual minimum distribution. Most financial institutions have online forms that facilitate a qualified charitable contribution.
As always, thank you for your commitment to this place we call home; I look forward to our work together next year!
Christopher G. Miller
[email protected]
540-347-2334 ext. 7100
P.S. A donation of $40 or more will renew your PEC membership. If you have any questions about your membership or giving options, please contact James Bussells at [email protected] or 540-347-2334 ext. 7007.