The following text was sent out as an email alert on 01/09/18. Links to prior alerts and additional details about the proposal are linked to at the bottom of the page. If you want to sign up for PEC alerts, visit
Dear Supporter,
Last November, I wrote about a rezoning the Loudoun Board of Supervisors is considering for True North Data.
The proposal will be back up for a vote on Thursday, January 18.
In listening to citizen comments, there is a common theme: putting a data center at this site would industrialize an unspoiled area just south of the Greenway. It would destroy a globally rare natural ecosystem and the wetlands and trees that currently reduce runoff. It would also put our public drinking water supply at risk.
View of the property looking West/South (the cleared area at the top of the image is where the new high school, Academies of Loudoun, now sits). |
Unfortunately, if the Board meeting in December is any indication, here’s where we stand:
5 supervisors have indicated support for the data center rezoning:
- Ron Meyer (R-Broad Run)
- Kristen Umstattd (D-Leesburg)
- Matt Letourneau (R-Dulles)
- Susan Volpe (R-Algonkian)
- Koran Saines (D-Sterling)
4 supervisors have voiced opposition:
- Phyllis Randall (D-At Large)
- Ralph Buona (R-Ashburn)
- Tony Buffington (R-Blue Ridge)
- Geary Higgins (R-Catoctin)
One more ‘no’ vote is needed. Please contact your supervisor today.
Just a simple ‘I’m calling to ask Supervisor [name] to vote no on the True North Data Center proposal’ could help.
- By phone: 703-777-0204 (main office).
- By email: use our online advocacy letter >>
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Gem Bingol
Loudoun Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council
More details:
– True North Data Center – Wrong Direction for Loudoun County
– Why True North Data is Worse Than Current Zoning

– Public Water Supply Protection & the Loudoun Transition Area