PEC works to help citizens in Fauquier build better communities and protect cherished resources–scenic views, working farms, historic heritage, clean water and healthy air.
County Rewriting Telecommunication Plan
Piedmont Environmental Council has concern about some of the changes being proposed in Fauquier County's rewrite of the Plan for Commercial Wireless Facilities. This section of the County Comprehensive plan sets the policies and goals …
Waterloo Bridge Letter to BOS
The Fauquier Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on April 10th, 2014 regarding the Six Year Plan for Secondary Roads. The Six Year Plan outlines planned spending for transportation projects proposed for construction, …
National Trails Weekend
Join The Piedmont Environmental Council, Fauquier Trails Coalition, and Fauquier County's Department Parks and Recreation in extending National Trails Day for an entire weekend of events! Below is a tentative schedule of events. PEC will …
Comprehensive Plan Updates
CULPEPER, FAUQUIER, ORANGE — PEC’s staff follows Comp Plan updates and revisions in our nine-county region closely, and we’re currently keeping a sharp eye on the process in Culpeper, Fauquier and Orange Counties …
Cultural and Natural Resources Comp Plan Update
The County is updating the Cultural and Natural Resource sections of the Comprehensive Plan and they need your input to establish a real community vision …
Concerns Regarding Opal Service District Draft Plan
The Opal Steering Committee has been meeting for about a year and has developed a plan that is ready for public review. Although PEC supports aspects of the plan, we also have several concerns about …
Comprehensive Plan Amendments Happening in Fauquier
It can be easy to tune out these updates, but revisions to the ‘Comp Plan’ can mean drastic changes to the look, feel, and functionality of your county, town, and day-to-day life. This is because …
Facts about the Opal Gateway Project
The day before the Board of Supervisors November 14th public hearing the applicant proposed changes that were only made available to the public hours before the hearing. The changes are peripheral in nature. Although the …
Re: Sprawling devleopment in Opal
Well the new year has begun, but a bad idea from 2013 is still lurking. After delaying a vote in November, the Fauquier Board of Supervisors will hold another public hearing (and likely vote) on …
Busy October — Including an Important Comp Plan Rewrite
Happy Friday! It's officially fall, and there's a lot going on throughout the region and in Fauquier County in particular. There are rezonings and zoning amendments under consideration, we've also got tabling at Fauquier Heritage …