Bri West

Bri West is the director of outreach and communications for The Piedmont Environmental Council.

Bills Related to Safety on Rt 17

The 2020 General Assembly is in full swing and Senator Jill Vogel and Delegate Michael J. Webert have several bills submitted regarding the safety of Rt. 17. Constituents have long had concerns about speeding on Rt. 17 between Warrenton and Marshall so three bills are being considered that would…

Loudoun Outdoors Guide

With over 10,000 acres of parks, public lands, and other natural areas, opportunities abound in Loudoun County for the outdoor enthusiast. Our print guide highlights the best parks and publicly accessible natural areas in Loudoun County for the outdoor enthusiast, especially those new to the area or with a renewed interest in getting outdoors to hike, bike, paddle, fish, or experience the county’s diverse natural and historic landscapes.

The Sanctuary at Barrel Oak Application

The Sanctuary at Barrel Oak Application

The owner of Barrel Oak Winery would like to build a hotel, restaurant, and event center on a 50-acre parcel next to the existing winery. The site is about 2 miles west of Marshall on Grove Lane. The application requires the approval of four special exceptions: 1) Lodge/Resort, 2) Event Facility, 3) Above Ground Storage Tanks, and 4) Alternative Onsite Septic System exceeding 1,200 gallons per day. The applicant has asked for a 10-year approval, including a 5 year grace period while construction is underway.

Corporate Support

Demonstrate your company’s commitment to promoting and protecting the natural resources, rural economy, history and beauty of the Virginia Piedmont. Corporate partners receive such benefits as visibility in the community, client appreciation opportunities, volunteer opportunities, invitations to special events and special recognition in printed materials.

Managing Fill Dirt and Debris Disposal in Rural Areas

As construction picks up in the region, many of our localities are struggling with fill dirt and inert debris dump sites popping up in rural areas. On May 29, 2019, The Piedmont Environmental Council partnered with the Northern Virginia Regional Commission and Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission to host a workshop on this complex issue. The agenda included speakers from PEC, NVRC, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.

“Rural Resort” Ordinance Amendment Proposed in Madison County

“Rural Resort” Ordinance Amendment Proposed in Madison County

This coming Wednesday, April 3rd at 7pm, the Madison County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will hold a joint public hearing to consider a change to its zoning ordinance. If adopted, the change would allow “rural resorts” as a special use in agriculturally zoned areas. Update: the proposal was tabled at the April 3 meeting and there is time to weigh in prior to May 1, 2019.