The Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted to reject an intensive development proposal along Goose Creek, reversing a decision from earlier in the month. It’s a win for the public, the creek and drinking water protection!
Over 30 speakers, volumes of letters and a petition with over 4,500 signatures (including 3000 from Loudoun) supported the vote to overturn the decision. The final outcome was a 6-2-1 vote to reject the application! Supervisors Mike Turner, Tony Buffington, the two supervisors whose districts encompass the site, both reconsidered and voted against the application, along with Chair Phyllis Randall, and Supervisors Kristen Umstattd and Matt Letourneau. Supervisor Caleb Kershner abstained.
This means the Board has avoided overdevelopment in this sensitive area. Please thank them for their votes and ask them to keep prioritizing clean and healthy streams for Loudoun. Send a quick note to!
What’s next? There are many strategies and best management practices that Loudoun could employ to further strengthen our stream health and drinking water protections in this area and across the county. For instance, the county could offer incentives and target the upcoming Purchase of Development Rights to offer landowners another choice besides development right next to streams. When development does occur, we should consider stronger buffer requirements, better site management regulations to avoid sensitive features (such as steep slopes, wetlands, streamsides, wooded areas), and Low Impact Development (LID) practices to minimize the impacts of the building envelope. PEC will be promoting these and other practices as zoning and construction regulations are being updated in the coming year. Stay tuned for more information!
Questions? Contact Gem Bingol at
Learn more about the proposed rezoning and PEC’s concerns in our last blog post ‘Loudoun Board to Reconsider Goose Creek Overlook Approval.’