Online Event: Local Update for PEC Supporters in Culpeper & Rappahannock

Video recording of the presentations:

Here are a few links to resources that were mentioned:

Land Use:

Land Conservation:

Outdoor Recreation:

Farm and Food:

Additional Items to Share:

  • Carbon off-set programs currently exist much like conservation easements, where a forested land would be assessed for its “fair market value,” then compared to its “carbon off-set” value, which is a protected forest enhanced with a forest management plan and certified as a sustainable forest. The difference between these two values reveals the potential carbon credit that could be sold in a carbon market. 
    • To learn more about carbon offsetting for forested lands, read this great article by Dylan Jenkins ACF, CF in The Consultant (Association for Consulting Foresters) 
    • The Land Trust Alliance has piloted several carbon sequestration projects in partnership with regional land trusts like The Nature Conservancy’s Working Woodlands program for private landowners in Central Appalachia. 
    • Finite Carbon has developed in partnership with the Land Trust Alliance a CORE Carbon program for smaller forested acres to participate in carbon sequestration off-set markets.

If you have questions about any of the content in the webinar that we didn’t get to, don’t hesitate to contact our staff.