This text was taken from an email sent Jan. 30, 2025. Sign up for email alerts →

I’m writing today to tell you about an important transportation planning issue that could impact the quality of life and sense of place for residents and visitors along the U.S. Route 50 corridor. Loudoun County is currently studying potential changes to Route 50 and is soliciting public input about their recommendations.
The current Route 50 study is the last of five studies the County has conducted over the last several years to assess the safety and operations of Loudoun’s major rural arterials and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
We are concerned about the negative impacts some of these recommendations could have on the existing traffic calming measures established by Route 50 Traffic Calming Project in the 1990s and early 2000s. We are also concerned about any unforeseen changes the recommendations may cause, like increasing development pressure.
Community input has historically been an effective tactic to minimize negative impacts on Loudoun residents. Whether you’re a long-time advocate, a more recent resident, or a frequent Route 50 traverser, we encourage you to continue the legacy of community activism. Give your input at the public input session on Feb. 3 in the Willard Middle School cafeteria to ensure that the proposed developments are in line with your vision for a strong, sustainable community.
Public Input Session for Rt. 50 Recommendations
Monday, Feb. 3 at 6 p.m.
Willard Middle School Cafeteria
40915 Braddock Road, Aldie
Additionally, you can submit your comments in writing: email the Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure or use the online survey that will be posted on the website after the meeting.
How would the new recommendations change traffic calming measures on Rt. 50?
The new recommendations include changes to the long-standing Route 50 Traffic Calming Project that was developed in the 1990s with an extensive community engagement process. That community engagement plus a professional transportation engineering analysis led to many traffic calming measures along the route, including the creation of three roundabouts on Route 50 and one on Route 15 South. These features, in addition to other road design changes, have improved safety and traffic flow and allowed the Upperville-Aldie Route 50 corridor to remain rural.
The new study recommends a series of mid and long-term changes along Route 50. While the changes seem minor, they could affect the overall function of the existing road design and the quality of life in the region. You can review the detailed recommendations in Loudoun County’s presentation.

Our Concerns
Keeping the road safe and operational has always been the foundation of the traffic calming effort, and we support that goal. We question, however, measures that act to speed up traffic, like dedicated turn lanes, instead of measures that keep speeds low and drivers alert to their surroundings.
We encourage the County to take inspiration from the creativity in the Route 50 Traffic Calming Project and commit to additional traffic calming measures, rather than pursuing faster moving traffic and less congestion.
It may be hasty to make changes to Route 50 to accommodate the current driver preference for Watson Road to access Ashburn and eastern Loudoun. When drivers discover the four-lane Northstar Boulevard connection to Route 50 that opened in December, it will likely be preferred over the winding, one-lane Watson Road.
Thirty years ago, residents and community leaders ensured that the Route 50 Traffic Calming Project established a safe and scenic gateway to rural Loudoun. Now, their vision of this area rests with the community once again. We urge you to come out to the public input session at 6:00 p.m. on Feb. 3 at Willard Middle School.
Many residents, leaders and activists are stepping up; people are engaged. We support and salute you, as we acknowledged and supported those community leaders who led the way years prior. Your activism makes a difference for this and other concerns you have about the future of the area.
Route 50 Traffic Calming Project: A Brief Background

above for the full document. Source: Lardner/Klein Landscape Architects
In the early 1990s, Virginia Department of Transportation’s plans for the Route 50 corridor included road widening, a cloverleaf interchange at Route 50 and Route 15 and three bypasses around Aldie and Middleburg, in direct conflict with what the community wanted for the future of the area. Residents knew that such big road projects have irreversibly damaged one small town after another as attractive shops in villages and towns lost out to suburban sprawl along bypasses. Residents also worried their land conservation efforts would be overrun in a race for development.
Determined to avoid that fate, residents and local landowners initiated the Route 50 Traffic Calming Project. It was an intense, community-driven effort that engaged residents with diverse perspectives along the stretch of road from Upperville to eastern Loudoun. Many will remember weekly meetings with project leaders to highlight residents’ concerns, which were then translated into an intentional road design that took into account preservation and future traffic potential.
This alternative vision received federal funding and matching funds in 1998; the roundabouts along Route 50 were completed in 2009 and the final traffic calming measures in Middleburg were completed in 2016. The project won recognition for VDOT in 2017 in the Americas Transportation Awards program.
This project is the exemplar of how a community can take charge of its future, and what can result from residents taking active ownership of their vision. See the materials that describe the project elements and design detail.
Land Conservation along Rt. 50
The rich history of community engagement in the Route 50 corridor has also resulted in positive impacts for land conservation and communities from Upperville to Aldie and beyond.
We have seen positive land use outcomes since the Traffic Calming Project became a reality: Southern Loudoun and northern Fauquier have seen more conservation easements than most other areas in the two counties and even across the state, as landowners have sought to protect the natural, cultural and historic resources on their lands. As the years have passed and the surrounding communities have grown, this section of road has remained a scenic gateway to western Loudoun and the Rural Policy Area.

Resources and Ways to Take Action
Following the release of our email, we received some responses asking for ways to translate this email into talking points for the Feb. 3 meeting. Thank you so much for your attention as this situation unfolds! We hope the list below helps you prepare for the meeting in-person or helps you write and submit your comments online.
- We encourage the use of traffic calming measures instead of widening and installing turn lanes if changes are made.
- Traffic calming projects are intended to reduce speed, accidents and fatalities, and congestion.
- They consist of physical measures along a road to encourage drivers to slow down. Reduced speeds reduce the likelihood and severity of accidents with other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.
- The physical measures include road narrowings, bump-outs, islands, and roundabouts, among others.
- Traffic calming measures increase safety and also help to keep traffic flowing smoothly in ways that are also good for maintaining a community’s sense of place and investment in the future it desires.
- Traffic calming features that have been employed on Route 50 and Route 9 have been proven effective.
- Turn lanes encourage a faster flow of traffic, and increase the severity of accidents. Please use a traffic calming approach instead.
- It’s good to see enforcement pull-off areas along the road. A greater law enforcement presence is another way to keep drivers alert and adhering to safe driving practices.
- The changes at Zulla Road are helpful, and narrowing the road (instead of striping), would do more to discourage last minute speeding to get ahead.
- What traffic projections were used in the recommendations?
- Traffic patterns causing traffic to go north on Watson Road could easily change now that Northstar Boulevard connects with Route 50.
- The roundabout at Route 50 and 15 was initially two lanes (despite being planned as a single-lane roundabout).
- While it was effective at moving traffic through the intersection, there were enough accidents that it was reduced to a single lane roundabout with a single slip lane to move traffic from the north to go west on Rt 50.
- Added changes to the geometry of the roundabout and vegetation in the center to reduce the field of vision beyond the intersection.
- The changes have slowed driver speeds as they navigate this intersection and have reduced fender benders in the intersection.
- Law enforcement and fire and rescue leadership and personnel have been supportive of these traffic calming measures due to the decrease in speed and accident severity.
- Describe what you see as the value that traffic calming has provided for Route 50 west of the suburban area.
- The traffic calming measures on Route 50 effectively signal a different mindset for traffic management and enhance a different, more rural sense of place as drivers enter the Transition Area and cross Route 15 into the Rural Area.
- This has helped preserve the quality of life and character of the area currently being studied.
- It has laid the foundation for greater investment in preserving the area, and has increased the area’s value for residents and visitors alike.
- It’s essential to be conservative in new measures to avoid upsetting the functionality of the existing traffic calming measures.
Detailed information, including traffic counts at intersections from surveys in 2022 and 2023, is available at the bottom of Loudoun County’s Route 50 webpage, under “Meeting Documents.” Traffic projections for the future are not included in the materials.
We’ll be at the Feb. 3 meeting to describe our concerns about negative impacts to existing traffic calming measures. Join us and provide your concerns and recommendations. You can also provide written comments using Loudoun County’s online survey that will be posted following the meeting through Feb. 18. Most importantly, please share this information with your friends and family.
Thank you for paying attention and staying engaged as the northern Piedmont continues to grow. With your involvement, we can secure a more sustainable future for everyone. If you have any questions about the new recommendations or other issues in Loudoun County, please feel free to reach out.
Gem Bingol
Land Use Field Representative
Loudoun County
[email protected]
540-347-2334 x7041