When I saw “replacement” of the circa 1878 Waterloo Bridge—the oldest metal truss bridge still in service in Virginia at the time—on the Fauquier County Transportation Committee agenda back in October 2013, I knew exactly who to turn to.
Waterloo Bridge

VDOT Contractor Installs Rehabilitated Waterloo Bridge
Exciting news! On Nov 5, 2020 the rehabilitated Waterloo Bridge was placed back onto its stone abutments.

Driving in the Right Direction
Finally, after a four-year battle to save the Route 613 Waterloo Bridge over the Rappahannock River, success is in sight. The bridge, which connects Fauquier and Culpeper counties, is a treasured historic resource for local residents and visitors to the region. Following its closure, there was a huge citizen response in support of rehabilitating the structure. Thousands of people have taken action. They have signed a petition, written emails, made phone calls, attended meetings, posted on Facebook and put up yard signs, all in support of saving Waterloo Bridge.

Waterloo Bridge — Still Closed. Still Waiting for Repair
The other night as I drove home, I paid attention to each bridge crossing. There were 18 concrete slab bridges. A majority of our roadways are repetitive monolithic creatures with little character or interest of their own. This reminded me of a statistic I once heard about how the drive to somewhere can be a valuable part of the tourist experience. Most people probably don’t travel out of their way to visit a historic bridge, but crossing one is a memorable part of the journey. And if you live near one, it probably is a part of what defines ‘home’ for you.
Waterloo Bridge Update — Dec 2014
Text from our Dec 2014 Member Newsletter:
PEC, Fauquier County, and Culpeper County commissioned a report that identified a more cost-effective option for the full rehabilitation of the historic Waterloo Bridge on Waterloo Road (Route 613). The bridge has a long history dating back to the late nineteenth century, but it was closed due to safety concerns last winter.

Waterloo Bridge Report
An encouraging new report commissioned by The Piedmont Environmental Council, Fauquier County, and Culpeper County has identified a more cost-effective option for the full rehabilitation of the historic Waterloo Bridge on Waterloo Road (Route 613). The bridge has a long history dating back to the late nineteenth century, but it was closed due to safety concerns last winter.
Waterloo Bridge Letter to BOS
The Fauquier Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on April 10th, 2014 regarding the Six Year Plan for Secondary Roads. The Six Year Plan outlines planned spending for transportation projects proposed for construction, development, or study for the next six years and is updated each year. The letter below is a request submitted by Piedmont Environmental Council that the long term rehabiliation of the Waterloo Bridge be included in the 2014-2015 through 2019-2020 Six Year Plan.
Save Waterloo Bridge!
The Waterloo Bridge is a valuable piece of the history of Culpeper and Fauquier Counties that was closed to traffic by the Virginia Department of Transportation due to safety concerns in early 2014.