The Piedmont View

View articles published in our quarterly membership newsletter, The Piedmont View. To become a PEC member or renew your existing membership, visit our donations page today!

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The Conservation Learning Circle

Nearly a third of the nation’s farmland—301 million acres of U.S. land—is now farmed or co-farmed by women. Some are new farmers and others have inherited family land they farm themselves or lease out to …
| | The Piedmont View

A Trail of History

Walking downhill through the open meadow, one gets a sense of liberty that comes when exploring this tranquil, rural place. At the bottom of the hill, there’s an historic log structure, which provides a glimpse …

Fauquier Hits a Conservation Milestone

A significant milestone happened this summer that took the collective effort of hundreds of landowners, farmers and families. Leading the charge, Fauquier became the first county in Virginia to forever preserve more than 100,000 acres …

Look at All the Stars!

A few weeks ago, friends from D.C. were visiting for the weekend. As the evening wore on, we found ourselves outside discussing current events, the latest gossip, and our plans for the fall—when, inevitably, eyes …
Diana Boeke and Amir Abdelmalek

On the Ground

Read “On the Ground” updates for Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange and Rappahannock Counties …

Power Hungry

This past May, 125 people gathered at the Rapidan fire hall to discuss how to protect the community and its historic and scenic landscape from Dominion’s newly proposed Remington-Pratts-Gordonsville Transmission Project …

A Vote Against Sprawl

Developers pushed Loudoun Board of Supervisors for more houses in the Transition Area and the Loudoun community pushed back! …

A Quest for Wildlife Habitat Restoration at Home

When you first visit Bruce Jones’ property, you’re apt to get overwhelmed. Everywhere you turn, something is fluttering, flowers are blooming, and life is happening. “Once you get it in your blood,” Bruce says, “it’s …

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders in Environmental Conservation

This summer marks our ninth Summer Fellowship Program, an annual seven-week educational program for college students and recent graduates …
Fauquier Mythbusters

Fauquier Mythbusters

A look at some popular myths about Fauquier County’s land use, growth, taxes and development. From ‘Fauquier County is no growth’ to ‘Land with a conservation easement limits farming’ …