The following text was sent out via email on November 16, 2023. Sign up for PEC email alerts →
![drone shot over green trees and main street with houses and buildings with mountains in the distance](
Dear Supporter,
Every five years, each locality in the Commonwealth is required to conduct a review of its comprehensive plan. For Madison County, which last updated its comprehensive plan in 2019, that five-year review has been taking place since last fall, and now it’s finally time to hear from you!
As a Madison County resident, you have the opportunity to weigh in on this important guiding document, which will shape how Madison County moves forward over the next two decades. Much is at stake, including how we will protect natural, cultural, and scenic resources, ensure a healthy and vibrant quality of life and a thriving economy for everyone, address climate impacts, and preserve the county’s rural character.
The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Feedback is due by Nov. 28.
The survey is designed to help the County Planner and the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee better understand community needs and priorities regarding:
- Land Use, Community Design, and Environment
- Housing
- Economic Development
- Transportation and Mobility
- Recreation, Community Facilities, and Utilities
You should feel free to add additional comments in the open-ended spaces provided. Planning for now and the future, and creating stronger, more sustainable communities, are central to PEC’s work—and don’t happen without citizen engagement.
We hope that you will speak up for conservation values and urge the County to approach development in a way that complements existing services and infrastructure, enhances a connected and liveable Town of Madison, and protects natural resources, open space, and working farmlands.
About the Comprehensive Plan
The comprehensive plan is a critically important document that represents Madison County’s vision for the future and guides decisions and regulations around growth and development for the next 5-20 years. It sets the framework for how land is used, identifies needed improvements to public facilities, and provides a valuable guide for many other county programs and needs.
We hope that as new land use proposals come before the County, the updated comprehensive plan will help steer future economic growth and residential development to Madison County’s existing developed areas to improve infrastructure and quality of life for residents across the county while still preserving rural land, the agricultural economy, and its scenic beauty. The updated plan will be adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2024.
On behalf of PEC, thank you for your feedback, and stay tuned for future updates from me as the comprehensive plan update process continues over the next couple of months.
Please share the survey link or our Facebook post with friends, family, and neighbors so more voices can be heard, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Don McCown
Madison County Field Representative
[email protected]
(434) 977-2033 x7047