Background on Warrenton-Wheeler-Gainesville

Dominion and Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) are pursuing a new 230kV transmission line through Prince William County and Fauquier, stating current or future reliability issues associated with the Warrenton Substation in Fauquier County, and the Wheeler and Gainesville Substations in Prince William County, as the reason for the project.

After an extensive community process, Dominion filed an application with the State Corporation Commission in March of 2014 for approval to rebuild the existing Remington to Warrenton line and build new facilities to almost entirely in Prince William County. This filing included several options to solve the issue. But it was option C (C1.1c) that Dominion and the community had determined would be the least destructive to resources and residents. And the SCC’s routing consultant agreed on this point. Unfortunately, the SCC staff was not convinced and the Hearing Examiner concluded that option A merits further consideration.

The Hearing Examiner agreed that the routes for Option A be noticed in order for the SCC to have a complete record on the issue. It was staff’s opinion that option A was the cheapest option and allowed for the most robust solution for the long-term health of the system. Staff is pushing this route in hopes the Hearing Examiner will concur and approve option A. Dominion, the community, and PEC continue to contend that option C1.1c offers the best solution.

A Larger Objective?

We are aware of multiple projects (Haymarket and the Remington-Pratts- Gordonsville lines), in addition to the Warrenton Wheeler Gainesville line, that if constructed would form a 230kV transmission backbone through the northern piedmont. We believe it is prudent to raise the issue that these proposals may be segmented in their permitting as an attempt to avoid any cumulative assessment on impacts and need for a larger transmission line/objective. What the Commonwealth and our region can ill afford is a larger more costly line intended to serve corporate purposes and not necessarily the needs or greater good of the public.

Join Us for our Community Meeting June 4th
Location: Old Bust Head Brewery, Production Room
Date: Thursday, June 4th Time: 6:30pm—8:00pm
For more information:
Contact Julie Bolthouse (540) 347-2334 x 7042,


At this time the SCC continues to accept pre-filed testimony from interveners, interested parties, and the applicant through July 8th with rebuttal testimony scheduled for later in the month (22nd). All public comment concludes on August 3rd with the continuation of the hearing scheduled for August 4th.