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Managing Wetlands for Wildlife

Managing Wetlands for Wildlife

Wetlands, including seeps and springs, serve as important areas of habitat for aquatic and terrestrial animals, and provide the important ecological function of filtering sediment and pollution before they reach the watershed. Wetlands are most …
Managing Your Pesticide Use

Managing Your Pesticide Use

If you must spray chemicals on your property, you can take steps to 'manage' your pesticide use. Pesticides can kill pollinator or at the least negatively affect their pollination and reproduction behaviors. Labels only mention …
| | Native Plants & Pollinators
Pollinator-Friendly Plants for Aquatic and Riparian Areas

Pollinator-Friendly Plants for Aquatic and Riparian Areas

List of wetland plants that also support pollinators, (E) denotes that the plant is a quick rooting robust soil stabilizer …
| | Native Plants & Pollinators
Creating Pollinator Habitat

Creating Pollinator Habitat

It begins with providing a diversity of native plant species that offer an ongoing sequence of open flowers from early spring to fall. Early spring pollinators have the biggest challenge in finding enough nectar and …
| | Native Plants & Pollinators
Web Resources for Creating Habitat

Web Resources for Creating Habitat

Helpful links related to creating habitat, particularly backyard habitats: …
| | Restoring Wildlife Habitat
Native Plant Lists

Native Plant Lists

Find out what plants are native to the Virginia Piedmont using one of the following native plant lists …
| | Native Plants & Pollinators
Background on the TrAIL Line

Background on the TrAIL Line

The 500-kV transmission line proposed by Dominion Virginia Power and Allegheny Power (through their subsidiary TrAILCo) would begin in Western Pennsylvania, cross through West Virginia, and end in Loudoun County, Virginia. In Virginia it would …
| | TrAIL Line Information
PATH Gears Up For Round II

PATH Gears Up For Round II

The following text was sent out via email alert on 07/14/2010: It looks like PATH is gearing up for a second attempt at getting their transmission line approved and sited across three states. In June, …
| | PATH Line Information
Background on the PATH Line

Background on the PATH Line

The Potomac Appalachian Transmission Highline (PATH) is a proposed $1.8 billion 200-plus mile long 765 kV extra high voltage electric transmission line linking the Amos substation (located adjacent to the nearly forty year old 2,933 …
| | PATH Line Information
Energy Efficiency Web Resources

Energy Efficiency Web Resources

Learn about insulation, heating and cooling efficiently and tax incentives …