We are happy to announce our accreditation as a land trust was renewed in August 2016 — a mark of distinction in land conservation. Initially accredited in 2011, the renewal by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission signifies its continued confidence that PEC’s lands will be protected forever.

“Renewal demonstrates PEC’s commitment to permanent land conservation in our nine-county service region,” says Michael Kane, director of conservation at PEC. “We’re a stronger organization for having gone through the rigorous renewal process, and this strength will help make the Piedmont an even better place for us and our children.” We’re among 38 land trusts across the United States to achieve accreditation or to have renewed it this past August, and a part of more than 350 accredited land trusts that demonstrate their commitment to professional excellence through accreditation.
“It is exciting to recognize PEC with this distinction,” says Tammara Van Ryn, executive director of the Commission. “Accredited land trusts stand together, united behind strong ethical standards ensuring the places people love will be conserved forever.”
Each accredited land trust must apply for renewal every five years and undergoes a comprehensive review as part of its renewal application.
This article was featured in our Fall 2016 Member Newsletter, The Piedmont View. You can read more of the articles on our website or view a PDF of the issue.