Wavyleaf basketgrass (Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. undulatifolius) is sometimes mistakenly identified as Japanese stiltgrass, Arthraxon, or native Deer Tongue. Learn how to tell them apart.
To Remove Invasive Species
Find out more about invasive species and invasive species removal.

Section 1: What It Looks Like
Wavyleaf basketgrass is a shade-tolerant perennial grass with high potential to overtake other plants and become one of the worst invasive plants in our area. This section has pictures and descriptions to help you identify it if you see it.

Controlling Wavyleaf Basketgrass
Learn about the removal and management of wavyleaf basketgrass.

Report A Sighting
Learn how to report wavyleaf basketgrass.
Common Piedmont Invasive Plants
Since we are a part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, we must be extra cautious about any use of chemicals to manage invasive species. Common Piedmont invasive plants and recommended control methods are provided in the links below: