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Albemarle Revives Controversial Western Bypass

Albemarle Revives Controversial Western Bypass

At their June meeting, the Albemarle Board of Supervisors voted 4-2 to reverse the County's long-held opposition to the Western Bypass–a $250-350 million project that VDOT studies have shown would not reduce traffic congestion on …

An Award-Winning CREP Project

John Janney describes how he has utilized the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to manage his Loudoun County farm, Telegraph Springs …
Empowering an Organic Dairy

Empowering an Organic Dairy

Terry Ingram operates Threlkeld Farm and has participated in both state and federal cost-share programs to enhance his farm and dairy program. Operating an organic dairy requires understanding and serious cooperation with nature. A farmer …
| | Dairy, Working with Conservation
An Individual Decision

An Individual Decision

Dale Welch is an organic beef farmer in Rappahannock County. Once considering himself an opponent to all things "environmental", he decided to participate in a Best Management Practice cost-share out of wholly economic motivations …
Sharing the Experience

Sharing the Experience

For over thirty years, Jimmy Henshaw has been implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) on his 500-acre cattle farm in Greene County. He started participating in cost-share programs after growing up watching his dad take conservation …
Dairy with a Plan

Dairy with a Plan

Ken Smith uses a Nutrient Management Plan and other Best Management Practices to keep his dairy and fields clean and efficient …
| | Dairy, Working with Conservation
Goose Creek Watershed Study

Goose Creek Watershed Study

In early 2002, the Center for Watershed Protection, Goose Creek Association and the Piedmont Environmental Council embarked on a three-phase project to study the Goose Creek Watershed …
Water Quality and Land Use

Water Quality and Land Use

Streams and rivers are likely to be healthy when at least 91% of the ground in their watershed remains permeable, allowing soil and plants to filter precipitation …
| | Clean Water, Strong Communities
"Poisoned Waters" Documentary on FRONTLINE

“Poisoned Waters” Documentary on FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE correspondent Hedrick Smith takes an in-depth look at Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay, and examines the growing number of hazards to human health and our nation’s waterways. Both PEC and partner group, the …
Limestone Geology and Sinkholes

Limestone Geology and Sinkholes

Limestone geology, also known as Karst, is quite prevalent in the eastern United States. Limestone often dissolves in water, creating voids where groundwater flows like an underground river –gnawing away rock over the eons. The …
| | Clean Water, Loudoun County