Adam, Karen Hunsberger
Karen has returned to PEC as a Data Coordinator within our IT Department. Prior to her retirement in 2016, she served as PEC’s Membership Director. While in that position Karen oversaw our database program which …
Julie Bolthouse
Julie grew up in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Clarke counties. After graduating from Clarke County High School she attended Virginia Tech receiving a B.S. in Fisheries Science with a minor in Watershed Management. Moving back to …
Gem Bingol
A PEC field officer since 1998, Gem Bingol started in Loudoun, then assumed the land use officer position in Clarke and now divides her time between both counties. Gem’s focus is on helping citizens make …
“Exploring the Small Farm Dream”
This course is for people who are considering launching a small farm enterprise, but are not sure where to start. Designed to guide students through an initial exploratory decision-making process, “Exploring the Small Farm Dream” courses …
Field Guide to Common Wetland Plants of Virginia’s Piedmont
Use this field guide to learn about common wetland plants like ferns, grasses, shrubs, and trees of the Piedmont region and explore how wetlands can be protected, mitigated, and restored …
Relevant IRS Notices and Comments
Guidance from the IRS on qualified conservation contributions …
Federal Tax Incentives (Downloadable PDFs)
Forms, codes, and more information about tax incentives …
The Journey Through Hallowed Ground
PEC is proud to be a part of The Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising national awareness of the unparalleled history in the region …
Tools to Preserve Rural Land
Many tools are available to preserve rural land, from private land conservation to Purchase of Development Rights programs, land use taxation, zoning provisions and more …