
The Piedmont Environmental Council produces a number of publications, including our quarterly membership newsletter, The Piedmont View, annual reports, Buy Fresh Buy Local guides for the Northern Piedmont, Charlottesville Area, and Loudoun County, and more.

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an aerial mosaic of rural land with a blue pond
Easement property in Madison County, VA. Credit Hugh Kenny/PEC

Conservation and Restoration Publications

Cows, Not Condos

Cows, Not Condos

Bev McKay's family has been farming the land that he just protected in Clarke County for over 200 years. Mr. McKay raises dairy cattle on the property, as well as crops, such as corn and …
Walmart Alternative Site Map

Walmart Picks Alternative Site for Orange Store

In late May, Walmart announced that it has chosen an alternative site for its store in Orange County — a successful outcome for preservationists who, for years, pressed Walmart to build its store at a …
| | Orange County, The Piedmont View
Taxpayer's Dollars, Developers' Dream Road

Taxpayer’s Dollars, Developers’ Dream Road

This May – without any technical justification, without public input and without a recommendation from VDOT — an unelected body, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB), approved a potential north-south highway between Leesburg and I-95 as …
Going Wild

Going Wild

At lunch during PEC’s Wildlife Friendly Habitats and Gardens Tour in Clarke County, the group was joined by a barn owl, a screech owl, and a red tailed hawk. The sharp-beaked raptors sent smaller birds …
Radioactive Rivers

Radioactive Rivers

Beneath the rolling landscapes of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison and Orange are deposits of the radioactive mineral uranium — potential mine sites. In the 1980s, companies filed mining leases on thousands of acres of land in …
Scenic Byway Bridge--Wider, Faster, Straighter?

Scenic Byway Bridge–Wider, Faster, Straighter?

When Rap Owings and his family learned about VDOT’s plan for the bridge near their farm in Banco, on Route 231 west of Madison, they were concerned. VDOT was planning to take out the existing …
A Walk Through Bird and Butterfly Paradise

A Walk Through Bird and Butterfly Paradise

Fifteen years ago, Bruce Jones’ research led him to the discovery that, in his words, “Native plants are the basic building blocks for the whole ecology of our area.” So, he and his wife Susan …
Image of Steve Hensley.

Building Fences for Cleaner Streams

Farmers are using a unique incentive program coordinated by PEC to substantially expand water quality protections in our region. The program helps cover their costs for fencing livestock out of streams …
A Wasteful Bypass and a Better Plan

A Wasteful Bypass and a Better Plan

VDOT gave plans for the Charlottesville Western Bypass an F. So why spend half a billion dollars on it?That's the question that PEC posed to Charlottesville and Albemarle residents though ads in local papers and …
Saving Nature in Town

Saving Nature in Town

Three children romped down the trail, shouting in unison, "We found the Osage Orange! We found the Osage Orange!" The softball-sized fruit, with its bright green, wrinkled shell was the last thing they needed to …