Wildlife Habitat

Whether you live in urban, suburban or rural areas, you can make a positive impact on native plants and wildlife. Help us boost biodiversity, productivity and environmental quality across the Piedmont.

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Building a Home for Wildlife: Houses, Nests, & More

Just like humans, wildlife species have four primary needs to survive: food, water, shelter and space. These four components form the basis of wildlife habitat, and each species fulfills these needs differently. Yet, for all …
Presentations from the November 2012 Invasive Plant Symposium

Presentations from the November 2012 Invasive Plant Symposium

Our November 2012 Invasive Plant Symposium was a great success! Over 140 people attended this event in Middleburg, co-sponsored by PEC, Sacharuna Foundation, Virginia Working Landscapes, and United Plants Savers …
Invasive Plants: Why Bother?

Invasive Plants: Why Bother?

When I work with landowners on how they can better manage their properties for wildlife habitat, many common questions concern invasive plants. These questions include: “What is that weird, abundant vine/shrub/tree/pond muck? And how do …
Healthy, Safer Families, and Communities

Healthy, Safer Families, and Communities

Arsenic and rocket fuel in our water. Gender-altering hormones and medications in our rivers and streams. PCBs, dioxins and pesticides in breast milk. Lead in children’s toys and women’s lipstick. Hazardous ingredients in air fresheners, …
| | Clean Water, Greening Your HOA
What is the Connection Between My Home and My Drinking Water?

What is the Connection Between My Home and My Drinking Water?

Although your property may not have a stream or pond on it, all land is a part of a watershed and has some effect on the condition of waterways. Land and water are intricately connected …
Cedar Waxwing eating mulberries

How Plants Fly

As my mother and I pulled up at the Jones Nature Preserve in Rappahannock, a brilliant bird dipped through the air—a rich tropical blue on delicate wings. They came in this week, Bruce Jones told …
Better Habitat: Water, Woods and Beyond

Better Habitat: Water, Woods and Beyond

Learn about Wildlife Habitat in the Virginia Piedmont — what it is, why we care, what a landowner can do to improve it. The following PowerPoint presentations were given to members of the Orange County …
Spotted salamander

The History & Habitat of Amphibians

PEC's Sustainable Habitat Program Manager, James Barnes, wrote this article about our region's amphibians for the Spring 2012 issue of The Piedmont Virginian …

Making a Comeback

When Bill Sanford was a boy on Arrowpoint Farm in Madison County, at the confluence of the Robinson and the Rapidan Rivers, the fields were full of bobwhite quail. He could go out after school, …
Enhancing Habitat for Birds

Enhancing Habitat for Birds

Check out the Bird Habitat Guide to learn how you can enhance bird habitat in your backyard. The Piedmont is home to over 140 species of birds that breed in the area, but many of …
| | Restoring Wildlife Habitat