Loudoun County

PEC stands with citizens to build excellent communities, relieve taxes and traffic, and protect open space in Loudoun. We work to maintain a balance between the towns and villages, the suburbs, and the country so residents can enjoy all the places that make Loudoun unique.

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Myths and Facts about Widening Belmont Ridge and Northstar

Myths and Facts about Widening Belmont Ridge and Northstar

5 Myths About the 6 Lane Widening of Belmont Ridge Road and Northstar Boulevard …
| | Loudoun County
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Belmont Ridge Expansion to Six Lane Highway Instead of Four

Update: On May 2nd, the Board of Supervisors voted on the proposal to further expand Belmont Ridge Rd. and Northstar Blvd. past the four lanes planned to six lanes. Residents along both roads, spoke out …
| | Loudoun County
Goose Creek Watershed Study

Goose Creek Watershed Study

In early 2002, the Center for Watershed Protection, Goose Creek Association and the Piedmont Environmental Council embarked on a three-phase project to study the Goose Creek Watershed …
Limestone Geology and Sinkholes

Limestone Geology and Sinkholes

Limestone geology, also known as Karst, is quite prevalent in the eastern United States. Limestone often dissolves in water, creating voids where groundwater flows like an underground river –gnawing away rock over the eons. The …
| | Clean Water, Loudoun County
New Park at Gilberts Corner

New Park at Gilberts Corner

The land at Gilberts Corner in Loudoun County that PEC saved from development in 2009 is now part of a public park at a gateway to one of America’s most historic landscapes …
Loudoun's Billion Dollar Debt

Loudoun’s Billion Dollar Debt

What can we learn from Loudoun’s financial trouble?Loudoun County, once the fastest growing county in the nation, is now $1 billion in debt—a direct consequence of growing too fast, too much, too scattered …
| | Loudoun County, The Piedmont View
Unison Historic District Offers a Window to the Civil War

Unison Historic District Offers a Window to the Civil War

The village of Unison in western Loudoun, as if charmed in some way to keep from changing, is a quiet hamlet of well-kept old buildings, with many farmhouses, barns and churches that measure their age …
Saving Nature in Town

Saving Nature in Town

Three children romped down the trail, shouting in unison, "We found the Osage Orange! We found the Osage Orange!" The softball-sized fruit, with its bright green, wrinkled shell was the last thing they needed to …
The High Cost of Unfocused Development

The High Cost of Unfocused Development

Loudoun’s 2011 Debt Obligation Tops $175 millionYears of unsustainable land use decisions have left Loudoun with substantial debt. In the next fiscal year alone, Loudoun has a debt obligation of $175.5 million (which equates to …
| | Loudoun County